
a happy place

Friday, July 17, 2015

Lake Dixon Campout 2/14


I was recently tasked with taking my fellow boy scout troop on a fishing camp out, since they knew that I probably knew what I was doing. I decided on Lake Dixon, because it has very nice campgrounds and good fishing, since they were stocking that week. I heard from one source that they would be stocking double, so I was anticipating wide open fishing were everyone could catch fish. Turns out, they only stocked the normal amount, so the fishing was actually kind of slow.  
We woke up at dawn and headed down to the lake, and got our spot at Jack Creek Cove. There were only a few fish circling the cove, and I could only manage a couple of takes. i decided to go over to Trout Cove and check things out, and sure enough there were fish being caught there, but it was either off or on. When i went back to Jack Creek, I heard that my buddy had almost landed a fish using a nightcrawler, but he lost him at the bank because of the lack of a net. Once the sun came up, some more fish moved into the cove, although they still had lockjaw. 
I finally condescended to curing that for two of them, washing indicators with a nightcrawler. 

Overall it was a great experience for everybody and we are glad that we did it. 

Conclusion: Nightcrawlers are a great cure for lockjaw.

Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

Monday, May 11, 2015


This was the last year that I could participate in the Lake Poway Youth fishing derby, so I had to make it good. And good it was. 
First I went to Hidden
They started hitting at daylight and did not stop until about 9:00

After it slowed down a little at Hidden I went to Bucktail to try and find some bigger fish.

Finding bigger fish was very hard since they were all clones at 2lbs apiece. I went back to Hidden for some sight fishing in the very back to end the day.
My final stringer. Biggest fish-2.5lbs, Smallest-2.0lbs

Conclusion: The Lake Poway Youth Fishing Derby is a great event 

Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lake Poway & Lake Miramar Short Sessions

I went to Lake Poway today for a little bit right before closing, so I hiked over to the back of Hidden Bay, only to find it crowded with drunk boaters. The ranger came in just before closing and told them to leave, and after they did the trout came back in and invaded the shallows on the hunt. I was able to nab one on a green/chartreuse Powernymph before I had to go back.

I got word of a Lake Miramar stocking today, so I went over there for a short session of fun little dinkers.
 Not to bad for the 'mar
 Bass food

 Right at sunset

 last cast of the day

Conclusion: Short sessions can be productive if timed right.

-Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Latest Expedentures (as of 1/3)

   I have not done anything big lately, just a couple little trips here and there. Here is the rundown: 

Lake Poway 

    I wen't to lake poway on the opening weekend, not expecting to catch anything because most of the fish had hit the water dead upon stocking, due to a faulty aerator in one of Chalk Mound's trucks. 

This is all you need to know
I was right and the fishing was not very good at all. I saw two trout at the fishing float, one with a minijig stuck in his mouth, and one bass. They refused to bite. North shore-zip. Half Moon Cove-zip. 

Lake Miramar 

   I have been going to lake Miramar a lot lately, mostly to get skunked. I did once however, get lucky and was able to fish the day after the dfg stocked 700lbs of 10-15 inch trout. Although small, I was still grateful for them.

The fish would come by in schools, only staying for 2 minutes at most. They would hit anything and everything. I caught my first on a pink powernymph. I got tons of bites, but then I decided to switch up to a small gold Kastmaster, where I caught my second. I decided to keep him in the net so I could keep fishing because I knew that I would only catch fish when the school came by. He then slipped out of the net and swam off. DOH! After all was said and done, I caught 2, missed another, and received much more bites. 

   For new years, me and my family went to Arizona (Glendale). In Arizona, they have community fishing waters which are stocked by the azgfd. They stock every other week, and we wen't on the none stock week (typical). My first lake was Pioneer Pond, which is very new, right next to a park, pretty much a circle, with pretty much uniform structure, and has bad water clarity. After a while of fishing it, it became apparent that all fish were deep, and they would not even hit powerbait. The next lake was Rio Vista, which is a series of ponds, that are much funner to fish than Pioneer. The water had a very strange blueish tint, yet you could still not see that far. The ponds were a lot deeper than I thought, and I realized that all the fish were probably deep as well. I left without getting a bite or even seeing fish. 

Conclusion: Don't leave fish in the net unless you intend to release them.

-Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

(BTW, if you know anything about fishing, and you haven't seen Hank Patterson on You Tube, do so. He is HILARIOUS)       

Friday, December 5, 2014

Lake Dixon 11/22 and 11/24

    I arrived at the lake at about 6:30, although the line outside the concession stand was HORRENDOUS and I had to wait for quite a long time as every one in front of my bought some worms, some scent, an extra pole, lunch, a boat, a stringer, 3 cups of coffee, and oh yea, a permit. When I finally got my permit, I decided to cruises around the lake and ended up at Jack creek, were I hooked one on a fly lined nightcrawler. He fought decently hard, and was not too much of a trouble, but in the back of my head, I remembered that I had slightly frayed my line while pulling up a split shot. And so of course, right when I thought I had won the battle, he took one look at the net and said, "not today Hurke", and made one last run, which I was unprepared for, and snapped my line. The rest of the day was slow, so I decided to leave.  

Conclusion: Split shots are evil line fraying machines.


   After my disappointments on Saturday, I had the opportunity to go back to the lake for a short time on Monday. I really did not expect to catch anything, I just wanted to see what it was like on a Monday after a stock. When we arrived I decided to go straight to jack creek cove, which seemed to be the only decent spot. On my third cast, I stuck a decent one on a pink and white Mice Tail. Miraculously, I got him into the net. 
This came as a big surprise to me, and proves that you should always try to use something that the fish might not have seen in a while.  

Conclusion: Using something that nobody else is throwing can be productive.

-Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

(BTW, if you know anything about fishing, and you haven't seen Hank Patterson on You Tube, do so. He is HILARIOUS)       

Monday, November 10, 2014

Santee Lakes 11/1

I was actually debating if I should write this post or not, but since this is my first trip of this year's trout season, I might as well.  

 I had been itching to get on with trout season, and now it is here! Santee lakes stocks first, so that would be were I would head out to. It had rained the night before the opener and it was still drizzling when we left at 5:30 am.                                                              
   When we got their there was a line of about 20 cars, which isn't that bad considering that 739 anglers participated in the event. When we arrived it was still dark, and the fishing didn't pick up until well after sunrise. Over all, the fishing was pretty slow, I mostly fished lake 4, and the only spots that anyone was catching anything was the area around the inlet, (north eastern side) and the area around the outlet (south eastern side). I fished at Lake 3 for a little bit, and it was quite obvious that there were only fish being caught at the inlet (and maybe the outlet). I didn't fish at lake 2, but from what I heard, and what I assume, I think the inlet outlet pattern continued there as well. 
   As for me, I stayed at lake 4 and went back and forth from the inlet and the outlet, and up until about 11:00, the only thing I had caught was a colorful bluegill. 
Then, right before I was about to leave the inlet for good, a 2 pound trout hit my minijig, about 2 seconds after it hit the swirling current. I was able to bring it close to shore, but it spit my jig out right at the net. That was about the only trout action I received the entire time, but it was still a nice warm up trip for the season. 

(These are some fish that some other people gave us because they did not want to eat them)

The plan for my next trip is to go to good old Lake Dixon and see if I can catch some good old tailwalkers. This season, dixon and numerous other lakes are also going to have bigger than usual stockings because of lowered gas prices, and Lake Jennings will stock both Sierra Bows and Nebraska Tailwalkers for the first time ever. That along with a trip to the Sierras with my boy scout troop, and another trip to the glorious Provo in Utah, will make this a year to remember for me. 
Conclusion: If there is any part of a lake were water is either entering or exiting, There will almost always be trout there. 

-Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

(BTW, if you know anything about fishing, and you haven't seen Hank Patterson on You Tube, do so. He is HILARIOUS)       

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mountain Man (Mataguay)

   Mountain Man Rendezvous is a competition for varsity scouts located at Mataguay Scout Ranch. Our troop decided to go, (we got 14th out of 48 teams), but instead of practicing for the events, I wen't fishing.  

First Bluegill of the day

Chunk bass
The perfect bluegill

Last one of the day
  Sorry about the lack of pictures, I would have taken more pics, but I was too busy catching fish. Mataguay has always been one of my most productive warm water fisheries, simply because very few people in the county know of its existence, and even the people who do don't think that it has fish in it.  

Conclusion: Yes there is a place in sdcounty where there are BIG catfish and the bass are the baitstealers, and its a small disgusting pond.

-Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, (and the fishes of the sea) I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; (D&C section 89:12)   

-keep sore liping 'em readers 

(BTW, if you know anything about fishing, and you haven't seen Hank Patterson on You Tube, do so. He is HILARIOUS)